RSVP to Scott Moody at by 19 Mar 25

On March 24th CAFA Toronto will be holding a ceremony at Sanctuary Park Cemetery, Etobicoke to commemorate the 80th Anniversary of Operation Varsity and the actions that led to Cpl Fred Topham being awarded the Victoria Cross. Cpl Topham is buried at the cemetery.
After the ceremony, we will meet at RCL 266 for lunch and a presentation courtesy of the Legion. The cornerstone of Legion 266 was dedicated by Cpl Topham who attended Runnymede Collegiate which is nearby.
1000 for a 1030 ceremony - RV at Sanctuary Park Cemetery 1570 Royal York Rd, Etobicoke, ON M9P 3C3 - GOOGLE MAPS
1130 - Presentation and Lunch at Royal Canadian Branch 266 3591 Dundas St W, York, ON M6S 2T1 - GOOGLE MAPS
Dress: Blazer / Business Suit with Medals
Cost: $0 The RCL is providing a catered lunch for us!